Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Some first year tips - now I can never compare to the great slate - - his knowledge is the greatest among all of us, but I feel I really should add something:

1. Think for yourself
2. Make stuff you want
3. If you feel you don't belong, leave. (I don't mean at 4am when you're still cranking out ads and Powerpoints, I mean when you actually sit down and think)
4. Learn how to draw
5. Know your computer skills (ADs)
6. Your copywriter is an amazing thinker, listen to him or her, and don't just wait for a line, they are there for more than just a line. Your Art Director is an amazing thinker, don't just think they are Mac Monkeys.
7. Go outside
8. Visit Richmond
9. You're paying $36,000 to go here, don't waste your time or your partners.
10. What the hell do I know, I'm just a second year.
11. Sine's, 21st, 7pm :)
12. Talk to people in the industry, outside of the industry and in other industries
13. Come to the Adcenter with expectations. You probably won't fulfill them all, but you will come out with so many more, for the school and yourself - yay after school specials!

What have I learned through my internship:
1. What most I learned last year was true, but not exactly - You have to bend what you learned to the real world
2. Being bored is a wondrous thing - oh the things you can do at an agency
3. If you're slow and you can't design a simple layout - you're a useless art director - that being said, THANK GOD FOR PRODUCTION DESIGNERS.
3.5. Design can be taught much easier than Conceptual thinking, or so I hear.
3.546. I need to learn how to design much better than I can now.
4. Project managers are amazing and life savers
5. Slate has the best blog, Lesley is the funniest, Case's is the prettiest
6. Shali Rocks
7. I ate too much
8. And more stuff about myself that I will try very hard not to forget come Adcenter time.

I'm excited. I can come back now.

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